Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Training is Paying Off!

All smiles after a good day of racing.  L to R:  Lydia Allen, Britta Clark and Alia Johnson

Britta Clark on course.
Hey Frosties,

I just want to express how proud I am of all y'all. Its wicked awesome to see how well your training is paying off, and see you all turning into really strong skiers! This weekend was awesome on so many levels, the high schoolers crushed Eastern High School Qualifiers, and from what I've heard so far regarding the citizens race FMN has turned out a couple victories and all-around solid efforts! Everyone put in tremendous efforts this weekend but special props have to go out to Alia for her 16th place in the EHSC skate race (WITH BAD SHINS!!!), and Kelsey for his solid races too!!! These two came in without any real intention of qualifying for anything and after their efforts realized that they are a force to be reckoned with and some of the top skiers in the state!!!! Will Earle also retaliated after a tough morning classic race with an awesome skate race and ended up as one of the EHSC alternates. Britta and Lydia both qualified for the EHSC team and will be representing the 802 in the final championships in rumford, ME, with hopefully Will and Alia joining them as alternates! I just want to say to all of you, from my experience, Vermont always wins Eastern High School Championships, and in the past 8 years New England has usually won the Alaska Cup (best region) at Junior Nationals: so pat yourselves on the back, you guys are some of the best racers in the best state in the best region of the ENTIRE country. Not too shabby!
Alia Johnson powering over the hill.

So here's how this week is going to work out for you all: As a reminder this weekend is Middlebury Carnival so there will be some INSANELY exciting division 1 college races going on at breadloaf on Friday and Saturday. I HIGHLY recommend that you all go out there, not only to cheer on the panthers, but to also soak in all of nordic knowledge that is there. Walk by the college tents as they're frantically waxing, watch what athletes are doing for their warmups, watch their techniques as they cruise about the course, watch their aggressive double-poling during the mass start, watch how colleges team up to support each other, watch how drafting is used in the mass start race.... You could essentially LEARN how to ski after watching a race like this, so take the opportunity to soak it all in!! I will be there all weekend so definitely feel free to ask me to explain anything for you, or answer any questions you might have. I am your nordic interpretor!


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