Monday, February 28, 2011

More Festival Photos

Clyde Malhatra and Zach Wilkerson

L to R:  Kim Callahan, Linda Punderson and Maggie passing out hot cocoa
at Robert Frost's cabin.  Kim even recited poetry.  This was
a stop on a 10K loop for the Bill Koch kids and
their families.  The skiing was beautiful!

L to R:  Keith Wilkerson and Nick Wilkerson minutes after Nick's race.

L to R:  Barney Hodges and Sam Hodges.

What would we have done without Donald Remeniak (far right) and his help
 in feeding all the little hungry squirrels, mice, raccoons and bears.  Cam (far left)
and Anders (middle) shift from waxing 170 pairs of skis to
flipping (and eating) a few burgers.

1 comment:

Camics said...

a "few" burgers would be a drastic understatement, I hope I didn't bankrupt FMN
