Saturday, December 18, 2010

Frost Mountain Bill Koch League Starts The Season

Caroline Damon (above) said, "My spirits are buoyed as I look over the field and see so many children out skiing and enjoying the snow."

The Frost Mountain Bill Koch League had their first on-snow Saturday morning session up at Breadloaf.  Just under one hundred kids and their families were out gliding over the fields.

Silas, who is a Bill Kocher, and his dad, Woody (right), had already been out doing their stuff.  When asked how the skiing was today, Silas said "Good," as he shuffled his skis back and forth.  He couldn't wait to end the conversation and get back to skiing.
"We could use a little more snow," said Woody, "but I am so glad to be outside and it is so beautiful."

Frost Mountain Nordic Bill Koch League is hosting the 2011 TD North Bill Koch League Festival the end of February.  Forest animals will comprise this year's theme to the festival.

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