Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chewing the Wax

The Mountaineer in downtown Middlebury filled up last night, with Frosties young and old who gathered for a wax clinic with Panther ski coach Andrew Gardner and an all-star lineup that included high school coach Anders Meyer, Frost Mountain coach Cam McKuglar, and that great Olympian Patty Ross. Everyone was rosy-cheeked from a day of skiing in frigid temperatures (the word on the street: Sleepy Hollow is tracked out; Steam Mill Road is nifty), and so we ate Powerbars and watched as Andrew explained the mysteries of glide-waxing and then of generating kick. Many thanks to Steve and the Mountaineer crew--and remember that they've got all your waxing needs covered (including the LF6 and LF7 that Andrew said were the cornerstone of a glidewax kit, and the Swix extra blue and 65 that should cover most of your kickwaxing conditions!

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