Thursday, March 5, 2009

MUHS and assorted Frosties at the State Championshp

It was a glorious day at Mt. Top for the season-ending Vermont high school nordic championships' classic race. The top eight skiers from each team was there, plus coaches, parents, dogs and super fans--a couple of hundred skiers, and almost as many spectators. The MUHS team consisted of Eliza Carver, Dominque Powers, Sophie McKibben, Maddie Kincaid, Emily Anderson and Mira Atherton, with Ellen Watkins, Britta Clark and Alia Johnson, who have trained with the team all season, skiing as independents representing Vergennes, North Branch and Gailor. On the boys' side there was Walker Allen (soon to retire to North Carolina), Schuyler Klein, Will Earle, Zander Carver, Charlie Mulkahey, Kelsey McGlashan, Craig Burt and Austin Kincaid. Chas, Bill and Mia hit the wax just right, and both our boys, led by Will and Walker, and our girls, led by Dominque and Sophie, had really fine races. (Eliza Carver, who got turned around, will be skiing next year with a GPS unit on her skis.) The girls' relay finish was a sight to behold: coming into the final uphill, Sophie pulled up beside a girl and they fought it out centimeter by centimer, with Sophie digging deep and double poling her way to victory. Photos are here, and also on the FMN website. Results to come.  

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