Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Snowjourn '09 Debuts in Ripton

This summer, when MUHS nordic skier and FMN member Sophie McKibben conceived of Snowjourn, an organization to bring military families to Ripton for a carefree weekend of winter fun, she wasn't thinking much about what the weather would be the weekend of February 6-9. All it had to do was snow--and stay there. On February 3, things were not looking good. Rain and sleet and ice were in the forecast. On the 5th, same thing. On the 6th, the families all arrived at the Ripton School to clear skies and a festive meal prepared by more than 100 community members, with music by Atlantic Crossing (thanks to FMN member Rick Klein). The 21 guests then went to stay with their local host family, who pointed them in the direction of Rikert the next morning. Thanks to John Rubright and crew, they were quickly outfitted and sent out on snow, guided by a number of volunteer instructors. Thanks also to our Bill Kochers, Snowjourn had the run of the MC team room, which was a good thing since so many members of the community brought hot lunch and snacks for all the Snowjourners. By day's end, at least two of families were talking about buying skis, one was signed up for further lessons, and one had made plans to return to Rikert on their own. In the evening there was skating and a cookout (thanks to FMN member Eric Warren and his FMN family) and the next day downhill skiing at the Snowbowl. Everyone skied, even little Lily, at 2 1/2 and 4 year-old Nick, which was kind of amazing because, yet again, volunteers provided lots and lots of very tasty food and it would have been possible to stay in all day and eat! A great event and everyone left tired and happy. Hats off to Sophie for making it all happen!

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