Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blueberry Crisp! MUHS Nordic hosts at BBH

It was a bit chilly this morning when the MUHS Nordic Varsity Girls stood out in the field at Blueberry Hill with skiers from CVU, Otter Valley and South Burlington.  Tony Clark had groomed immaculately, and continued to do so all through the day.  The CVU girls were dominant (and numerous!) but Dominique powered the girls, followed closely by Britta, skiing for North Branch.  The MUHS Varsity boys missed being one-two by the length of a ski pole, with Walker and Will coming in two-three to loud cheers.  Cheers, too, for Jake Whitcomb, the wax master extraordinaire, and his two able assistants, Mia Allen and Rick Klein.  As usual, coach Chas Lyons ran a smooth operation, with lots of help from parents and MUHS nordic groupies.  (You know who you are.)   Check out the FMN website to see pictures, or look at our Blueberry Hill album on Picassaweb.  (Where they are out of order, but able to be viewed in a larger format and as a slideshow.)

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