Monday, March 17, 2008

Trina at the Masters World Championships

Many of us from Frost Mountain Nordic participated in a clinic with Trina Hosmer in February at Breadloaf. Recently, Trina competed in the World's Masters Cross Country Ski Championships in McCall, Idaho. Below are some excerpts from an email she wrote:

"I just returned from World Master's, exhausted but a good week. I once again was very fortunate to have my body perform when necessary (I never take this for granted) and won all 3 of my individual races (15K skate, 10K classic and 30K skate) plus our US relay team won gold. So it was a very successful and rewarding week for me.... My overall impression from watching the younger women ski (this year there were several ex-Olympians in younger age classes) versus the older women is the use of the arms. I know I already harp about this all the time ... and now I can assure you, you will hear even more." 

Congratulations, Trina!  Also, some of our Frost Mountain Nordic members were spectators at the event.  They reported that the races were inspirational and the racers--from all over the world-- to be very fit and interesting people.   There was even a 91 year old man racing.  This, also, was the largest group of US master racers ever competing in the same races.

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