Sunday, February 10, 2008

Frost Mountain Nordic at the Citizens' Race '08

Congratulations to all our FMN members who skied the 2008 Citizens' Race at Bread Loaf, and to those who won loaves of Otter Creek bread: Dia Jenks, Bruce Ingersoll and Bill McKibben. There are some photos posted on the the website, but here is one of FMN organizer, Dia Jenks dashing to the finish. Thanks to John, Tim, Jim, Peggy and all the crew for making it a great event!

1 comment:

Mary Stewart said...

Hello fellow Riptonites! Wow - what a neat website! I'm having a blast getting up to date on all the Ripton ski news from the season - looks like the Breadloaf Citizen's Race was as much fun as ever! Hope to see you all this coming weekend at the Middlebury Carnival races!
Happy trails ~Mary